Saturday, August 30, 2008

Everyday life in Kijabe, Kenya

I know there is a 'ginormous' black spider living underneath my stove, because I saw him. He moved much too fast for my feet to stomp and I was barefoot, so the likelyhood as me actually touching my bare skin to him was slim to none.

The name of the game out here is 'home-making'. Ok, not really, but everyone can cook and can cook really well. I've been fed so much since I got here, but probably shouldn't count on it forever. On the home-making scale, I'd rate low. Contrary to what some folks back home think I can not cook. I can bake, but one can only survive so long on baked sugary goods.

So, I guess my learning curve must increase as I try to learn to cook in Africa at 7,500 feet elevation. I must light my stove with a match (holding fire in my hand is not a favorite) So, when I finally braved up to light my stove to hard boil eggs and simultaneously get hot water to wash dishes (multi-tasking, the language of women) the match sparked back at me and just about lit my shirt on fire, so I'm not off to a good start making friends with my stove.

Making friends with people has been a joy and delight as I've tried to maximize in that area before school begins this Tuesday. There are many wonderful folks out here, particularly women who are a blessing to me as they set a beautiful example to me of living daily for their Savior as teachers, moms, wives, friends, cooks, secretaries, dorm moms, etc... What a treasure!

Off to bed to stock up on sleep before the craziness of school begins. I imagine most of you are in the chaos of a new school year whether you have children or not. The verses I camped on today were Isaiah 26:3-4 which were wisely shared with me as I embarked on this new phase of life.

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.
Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

So long suburban Chicago-land…

Well, hello! Today has been the day of packing, last minute details, packing, goodbyes,and more packing!I’m taking a much needed break to write you and I’m excited to have you as part of my support team!

I fly out tomorrow (Saturday the 16th@ 5 pm) and in the midst of the chaos today I’ve begun learning (or relearning) an important lesson. I had grandiose plans of organization and put togetherness to enable myself to be able to hit the ground running. I’m currently feeling the weight of a to-do list mostly unchecked and a heart feeling inadequate for the tasks ahead.

And yet, my God is reigning and He is good and He is faithful! He has provided in many ways even before I began this journey to get myself to Kenya. He has taken care of the big and little details to show Himself powerful. And I know He will continue to do so, even as I step on that plane tomorrow night with a crumpled list of unfinished to-dos in the garbage and many unknowns just across the ocean my heart is at peace and trusting in the one who has redeemed me and given me joy to share with others!

It has been a delight to practice living Hebrews 10:23-25 with you. And I am so blessed to have had so many of you respond with timely encouragement,hugs, pray, support, laughs, and listening ears as I journeyed to Kenya! It is an honor to have you in my life!

I will arrive in Kenya late Sunday night and will embark on the adventures the Lord has prepared for me on the dusty roads of Africa.

Blessings to you all! I look forward to keeping in touch! Love, Sarah