Thursday, October 30, 2008

Laryngitis and Lessons Learned

I went to bed Monday night with slight scratchiness in my voice and woke Tuesday morning sounding more like a man than I would ever wish for. Wednesday morning I woke with no voice which makes teaching...well creative or complicated depending on you look at it.

I had just taught my kids the alphabet in sign language this week so that came in handy. I did a lot of pointing, extreme facial expressions, and waiting patiently. Through friends and subs second grade continues learning this week. :-)

I don't actually think I have was suggested to me and I looked it up on the internet. Basically it's a hoarse voice caused by virus or yelling. My big symptoms are fatigue and lack of working vocal cords - presumably not from yelling.

I knew I would have many new experiences in a foreign country, but didn't think my body falling apart would play such a huge role. Someone said to me "You're not even 50 yet. What's going on?!!"

Heavenly Perspective: This body will fail and break and cause problems here, but one day God will restore my body to the perfection He intended in His presence. What a day that will be! And as I walk still with slight pain in my foot still and am unable to fully express myself with no voice I am reminded to pray for people who suffer physically to have eyes to see and ears to hear the love our Savior has for them.


Thomas and Lisa said...

Thomas has gotten sick many times both this year and last while here in the Philippines. It is always a good reminder that it is not by our strength but by His we are ministering. I must admit it would be nice to not be reminded so frequently though!

Juliann said...

Hi Sarah! I've FINALLY caught up to your blogspot :-) The Brenners miss you!! My neighbor-kids went to Fall Fest AND to church, and want to keep going. Keep praying for those three kiddos. We are praying for you and are reminded daily of you from your fridge-magnet. Praying for your healing and stamina especially!
Love, Juliann